Discover the spring/summer 2012 trends at Autumn Fair

Visitors to Autumn Fair International 2011, which opens its doors to the trade on Sunday September 4, will have a golden opportunity to discover key trends for spring/summer 2012 with WGSN-homebuildlife at the new WGSN Trend Bar feature in Hall 3 of the show. The three selected trends for the coming seasons are Cinematic, Laboratory and Primal Futurism.


Cinematic captures the mood and atmosphere of 1950s West Coast America and takes inspiration from a century of cinema. Light and colour are very important for this trend. Look for products with tactile surfaces and Retro-50’s vintage treatments. Nostalgic memories and the faded colours of classic film stock inform colour palettes and textures.

Laboratory is inspired by the internet phenomenon and the mass of multi-contextual, user-generated content that it produces. The traditional art gallery has gone online; exhibitions have been replaced by blogs and the new curators are amateur image circulators. The result is a new visual language of surprising image combinations, relentlessly updated and recycled. Look for products inspired by scientific instruments and that use a creative juxtaposition of unique elements.

Primal Futurism fuses the ancient, the mythological, the raw and the primitive with a highly technical modern-day aesthetic. Rough-hewn structures counter the sheen of polished surfaces to create technologically sophisticated hybrids. Look for products that combine authentic finishes with refined new shapes encapsulate this trend.


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