Bebunni on the rise at PG Live for the Great British Card Company

bebunni_cardThe Great British Card Company unveiled the latest super-cute designs in its Bebunni range at Progressive Greetings Live, after launching it in October 2012 and receiving a great reception for the line at Spring Fair 2013.

Bebunni Ltd is the property of Terry Harvey, who is well known in the industry as a successful independent retailer with a number of greetings card/gift stores in the South of England. The cards were developed following the success of his cute plush product Brabunny, created to help raise money for Breast Cancer Research, a charity to which it already donated £45k in its first six months, towards the target of 50k.

The Bebunni offshoot of Brabunny is a licensed property which has been licensed to the Great British Card Company for greetings cards and stationery products, Widdop Bingham Ltd will produce plush and giftware and Crafters Companion has taken a license for all craft products. The latter will be featured on Television in October as the lead character in their birthday celebration for 2013.

bebunniCommenting on his burgeoning venture, Harvey says: “We are in discussion with several other companies regarding further licenses and product mock-ups are in progress for another licensee in the Soviet Union. Moonpig has also taken 30 Bebunni designs to sell as print on demand cards on their site”.

“The Bebunni greetings cards are a top-selling range for the Great British Card Company, occupying 24 places in their top 48 designs. The Bebunni splash will be pretty huge by the end of this year”.

Group Product Director at the Great British Card Company, Nick Adsett, was very pleased with the reaction to Bebunni, telling G&G Review that the beautiful illustrations by artist Simon Taylor-Kielty are a culmination of over 20 years’ industry experience from Simon on Country Companions and Forever Friends, and that Simon had “Put his heart and soul into these designs,” after being personally affected by cancer in his family”.

For more information on this range visit the website


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