Cardgains presents £15,000 to Katy Holmes Trust at Spring Fair

katyholmesGreetings and gift buying group Cardgains presented a cheque for £15,000 to David Holmes of the Katy Holmes trust at Spring Fair International 2014.


The Trust was founded in June 2012 following the tragic death of David’s 10 year old daughter Katy from a paediatric brain tumour. Since its foundation the trust has raised £400,000 for this seriously underfunded cause, which supports research for the biggest cancer-based killer of children and young adults under the age of 40.

Cardgains member Alison Allen of Conway Cards, who got involved with early fundraising events for the Trust, recommended the charity for the 2013 Cardgains Challenge. The 2014 charity efforts will be in aid of Peach for children with autism and Cardgains is rallying the industry to raise £25,000, a sum chosen in honour of the group’s 25th anniversary.


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