Simbrix launches new toy for Christmas

simbrixA new creative and colourful brick-building toy, Simbrix, has extended its range for children aged five and over in time for Christmas.


Simbrix was invented by dad Assim Ishaque who wanted to create an alternative bead art toy which wouldn’t fall to pieces when nudged for his children. The building bricks, in 17 different colours, connect together to create an endless range of two dimensional images and designs.

Here at G&G Review headquarters we were delighted to receive our own colourful bag of Simbrix for testing with family and friends over the long winter nights of Christmas. We have yet to roll up our sleeves in order to create an original design, but our first impression is of a good quality, original product that would be equally at home in a gift shop as a toy store.

simSimbrix creations can be as simple or as complex as the user wants. It’s great for free-play and each set also comes with a guidebook with different design ideas for users to try. When the design is complete or the user is ready to create something new, they can simply be taken apart and used all over again.

The product enjoyed a soft launch last year and has achieved success in the UK market with independent retailers. It is available to buy via Amazon, where it has received five star reviews.

Assim is now in talks with larger retailers such as Argos and Hobbycraft, which he hopes will be the start for Simbrix’s release in the wider toy market. It has also been a big hit in the global market, gaining momentum in the US and Germany.

Simbrix is available to buy in three sizes, Cute Kit, from £15, Geek Kit from £25 and Crafter Kit from £35. The Cute Kit contains 850 bricks, the Geek Kit 1,700 and the Crafter Kit includes 2,550 bricks and each set comes in a 100% cotton bag.

Assim Ishaque said:  “We have a patented product that I think has real staying power in the market. It is accessible to children as young as five, right up to adults who use the product to relax and unwind after work.

“We’ve received hundreds of positive emails from customers who really enjoy playing with Simbrix. Many are actually from parents of children with conditions like autism and dyslexia, who say that Simbrix has helped their kids develop concentration and motor skills. That may be because Simbrix engages some problem solving skills as well as creativity”.




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