London Stationery Show Launchpad winners

There were just over 40 entries for the first-ever LaunchPad competition, run by the London Stationery Show, and the panel of three judges had the task of identifying 12 winning entries to take part in this year’s show free of charge.


Aimed at individuals and companies eager to break into the booming UK stationery industry, each of the 12 winners will be allocated a free display space at the show, which runs on 25 and 26 April at the Business Design Centre in London.

The judges were looking for product that showed clear thought and execution when it came to brand and offer, offered value commensurate with the retail price and which they thought would be of true interest to the UK stationery industry and its huge number of stationery loving consumers.

“We were delighted with the response to our first LaunchPad competition and we’re keen to make it a regular part of the London Stationery Show.  We want to encourage and support new companies and products to come forward and showcase their ideas,” says Tim Willoughby, COO at Ocean Media Exhibitions Ltd, which organises the London Stationery Show.

The winners are (in alphabetical order): Archivia (pictured top), Berjo Creative, By Mrs Carter, David Hayward Designs (pictured right), Elmo Paperstories, Foggish, My Pretty Circus (pictured below), Off lines, Ortiedesign, Spots & Stripes Design, Think Trigg and Treewise.  They will be travelling to take part in the show from Germany, Gibraltar, Dubai, France, Cheltenham, Cheshire and London and their products range from wrap and greeting cards to notebooks, personalised journals and pens and spincils!

The LaunchPad winners will get exposure to all the leading retailers and suppliers in the stationery industry, receive extensive PR and marketing support from the London Stationery Show and be eligible to enter their products for the 2017 Stationery Awards.

“They will be appearing on the UK’s biggest stationery stage and we’re sure they’ll receive plenty of pertinent feedback from show visitors and fellow exhibitors too,” comments Tim, “All of which is invaluable for those starting out in or testing a new market.”


Launchpad essentials

The LaunchPad competition was open to any company which, or individual who:

  • Has not appeared in the show previously
    • Has the rights to sell the featured product
    • Does not currently sell the featured product through any UK national retail accounts or distributors in the stationery retail sector

Each entrant had to complete an entry form giving a description of their products and RRP and send samples for the judges to consider.

The show will continue to support a winner with a complimentary stand in 2018 if the judges feel their product or service merits ongoing assistance from the industry.

The three judges all know what consumers like and respond to; Rebecca Saunders is head of development at leading online curated marketplace (NOTHS) and is regularly involved in NOTHS’ own ‘Pitch-Up’ sessions to find potential partners; Kim Harrup-Brook, graphic designer and founder of Elegant Stationery Made In England or ‘esmie’ started her business from scratch, sells through iconic store Liberty amongst others, and understands the challenge of creating a desirable brand and range of products, and Sally Newall is editor of IndyBest, the product reviews section of The Independent, and has a great feel for pricing and what consumers want to buy!



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