I don’t know about you, but if you have been once, you must be looking forward to the next edition of showUP, the contemporary home & living show in Amsterdam the Netherlands.
As we discovered at the past two events, this show has some of Hollands finest designers and the atmosphere is so friendly that it feels more like a day out than anything else. Since the next edition of showUP is not until September I was pleased to hear that Vechtclub XL in Utrecht (an arcade where some of my favourite Dutch designers are members of) are organising “Ontwerpsalon 2018” (Design salon 2018), which takes place on April 22 & 23.

During this free event member artists open the doors of their studio’s for buyers, press and others who are interested to see how these lovely products are made. All designers will be there to tell the story behind their work. Vechtclub XL has 140 creative entrepreneurs under one roof, including ceramicists, musicians and wood crafting studio’s. There even is an allotment, beer brewery, bakery, coffee burner with expresso bar and a restaurant.
The show also organises workshops for kids and grownups like “Product photography with your smartphone” by Fenny Faber on how to make professional looking photo’s with just your smartphone. However, if all you need is a massage than look no further because Amber Rookkus is giving chair massages during the event. People are advised to book workshops in advance to avoid disappointment.
If you did not already have enough to do you can also visit four trend expo’s during the event:
- Noir: a view on surrealism
- Texture: a mix of materials
- Colour: a colour clash
- Sexy Food: everything you desire
The address of Vechtclub XL is:
Europalaan 2B
The Netherlands.
For more information about this free event visit www.ontwerpsalon.nl