One Spring Fair exhibitor we’ll be making a beeline to see is Middlesex company, Feiz & Grace, which has created a platform to help artists from around the world to make a good living doing what they love to do, which is creating masterpieces out of their artistic spirit.

Pictured above is a beautiful collection of hand made ceramic set inspired by the dandilion flower, which comes in dinner plate, pasta bowl, side plate, saucer, serving board, cereal/soup bowl, salad bowl
We also love this incredible chalice, created using a delicate and traditional art of ancient Persia. Hand made by smoothing down the well known turquoise of Nishaboor engraved into copper making a beuatiful and unique luxury piece.

This beautiful hand painted piece is inspired by ancient Persian architecture and is perfect for serving nibbles.
See the full Feiz & Grace collection at Spring Fair Hall 4 Stand K90