Organisers of the PATS and AQUA exhibitions have welcomed news that the business events sector will be able to re-open under the revised Tier system when current Lockdown restrictions are lifted on December 2.

Gordon Thomas, director of Impact Exhibitions and Events, said: “I’m delighted by the news. It means the pet and aquatics industries can look ahead to 2021 with confidence, knowing that its leading exhibitions – PATS Sandown, PATS Telford, and AQUA – will bring everyone back together again.
“Already this week we have seen an uplift in stand bookings at our shows, and we’ll be working hard over the coming months to ensure the pet and aquatics industries can re-unite in the best possible way.”
Gordon and his team are well advanced with their plans for the three shows in 2021 – PATS Sandown on 11-12 May, PATS Telford on 26-27 September and AQUA on 13-14 October. For more information visit and where registration is now open.
The Telford International Centre and Sandown Park – the venues for both PATS and AQUA – are members of the Association of Event Venues, an organisation that has worked closely with other bodies in the business events sector to get the industry re-opened.
In a joint statement, the associations said: “The Prime Minister’s announcement provides welcome relief to many individuals and businesses hit hard when the industry was stopped suddenly in March 2020.
“The dialogue between the exhibition Industry association, government officials and ministers has never been stronger, clearly demonstrating that there is a safe way for business events to return by sharing knowledge and developments in both the guidance and the pilot events.
“The associations have also welcomed initiatives such as rapid testing and the deployment of vaccines, all of which will be needed to rebuild the position of economic powerhouse occupied by the sector before the pandemic.
“Capacity limits remain in place; however, it has been demonstrated through the pilot events that it is now possible to build confidence across the customer base”.
With six months before the doors open at PATS Sandown 2021 visitors can now register at