We love discovering new products and designers on social media, where countless fledgling designers and cottage crafters are sharing their beautiful creations all day long.

One little company which caught our eye recently is Woodland Whispers, the magical world of designer, Laura Woodley, who told us:
I haven’t had Woodland Whispers for very long; I decided to open my Etsy shop on November 19 2020 after a bad couple of years and becoming a single mum to two teenage boys. I knew I needed something positive to focus on as I felt stuck and I had turned to crafting to help calm my mind – knew it was something I wanted to pursue.
“I’ve always had a passion for crafting and came across making mushroom jewellery by accident really. At the beginning of lockdown I had cut some willow down from my garden to make my friend a wreath (I’ve made many over the years) and as we both share a love of mushrooms/nature and crystals I wanted to use them in the wreath.
“I purchased the styrofoam mushrooms online to decorate the wreath with but I didn’t like the way they looked so decided to try making my own out of clay. I loved how they turned out so I made myself a necklace and everything else just evolved from there.
“I spent my time in lockdown perfecting the things I make; all my items are hand sculpted using air dry clay and hand painted and finished with a gloss varnish.
“My current range consists of mushroom jewellery crystal pendants, fully functioning mushroom storage jars, wreaths and decorative spell bottles (I use polymer clay with the spell bottles). I also have some free-standing mushroom ornaments coming soon”.