Perrywood donates 130 Fans to Colchester Hospital

Last week, Perrywood Tiptree garden centre delivered 130 new fans to the wards at Colchester Hospital. These were purchased with money collected in tips by the Coffee Shop & Restaurant team. Every year, the team very kindly donate all their tips to charity.

These fans were purchased from local company, Staines & Brights, who generously agreed to sell the fans to Perrytree at cost price. This enabled the team to purchase a lot more fans with the donated money. The fans were purchased in 2020, prior to the first lockdown, but due to the pandemic, Colchester Hospital was unable to take delivery until last week.

It is hoped that these fans help will make patients’ stays at the hospital a lot more comfortable.

Since 2018, a total of £12,490 has been donated in tips money. With this money, the Coffee Shop & Restaurant team have now purchased a total of 154 fans, Christmas presents for patients, dementia boxes, play equipment for the children’s ward and two cardiac machines.

The Coffee Shop & Restaurant team will continue to support Colchester Hospital this year and will be announcing their next fundraising project soon, this time for the Collingwood Centre, Colchester Hospital’s new cancer centre.

Jackie Newton, Group Catering Manager, Perrywood, comments: “Thanks to all our loyal customers for your generosity and support and thanks to our hard-working team who selflessly donate all their tips.”

Penny Norris Corporate & Trust Manager, Colchester and Ipswich Hospitals Charity, comments: ““The money collected in customer tips by the Coffee Shop and Restaurant team at Perrywood has made such a difference in many wards and departments at Colchester Hospital. The recent delivery of fans will certainly help keep patients cool and add to their comfort in the future, as normal working resumes. On behalf of our staff, Colchester and Ipswich Hospitals Charity would like thank the team for their kindness”.


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