Support the Light Fund English Channel Relay silent auction!

Have you bid in the Light Fund English Channel Relay fundraiser silent auction yet? As the 3 June deadline approaches, there’s not much time left to help a great cause while also getting your hands on a fabulous selection of event tickets, money-can’t-buy experiences, rare souvenirs and much, much more.

A day out with Morgan Cars or with movie cars? A visit to Peppa Pig world or to Cinque Ports Golf Club? Lessons from a microbrewing company or from a champion open water swimmer? Signed Premier League shirts (including a Liverpool Football Club shirt from the title-winning 2019-2020 season!), matchday VIP passes, a Star Wars stormtrooper suit, original sporting prints… they’re all on offer – but not for much longer.

So do remember to check out this link and place your bids to support the two six-person teams braving the unforgiving waters of the Channel in only a few weeks – and help them to hit their £250,000 fundraising target.

The Light (Licensing Industry Giving Help Together) Fund was born when a group of like-minded people from the UK licensing industry came up with the idea to form a committee to help those less fortunate than themselves. The Light Fund is a registered charity, which raises monies to fund worthwhile charity projects that help children, women and men. Since its inception, back in 2004, The Light Fund has raised over £1.7 million and funded hundreds of different charity projects.


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