Reducing garden centre running costs

Garden Centre Association (GCA) members will hear from experts as well as peers on cost saving measures they can put into practice in their garden centres during a free webinar this month (February 2023).

The GCA is hosting the event on February 9 from 10.30am until 12noon with presentations from Squires Garden Centre, The Pilot Group, Virrata and Oakfield Technical.

Peter Burks, GCA Chief Executive, says: “Garden centres, like all individuals and businesses across the country, are being affected by the current cost-of-living crisis. They are having to come up with different ways to reduce spending and so we are inviting them to attend our webinar for some expert advice on this issue.

“We’ll be hearing from Squires Garden Centre and Waterfox Consultants – the company Squires used to help them with various cost saving measures and control. They have put some effective measures into practice that have proved successful, and we’re thrilled they will be sharing some helpful insights. Events like these are all part of the benefits of being GCA members. We’re a friendly and welcoming organisation and we’re all happy to share our experiences, our tips and hints and advice.”

Representatives from The Pilot Group will also be attending the webinar and talking to attendees about analysis of energy use and how they can help members to reduce or find alternatives.

Peter added: “We’ll also hear from Chris Russell, Managing Director at Virrata, which is an expert with regards how businesses can reduce costs by looking at and improving processes, and Oakfield Technical on using data to find alternative ways to generate energy.

“We’ll also have a section for attendees to ask any questions too. Members should visit to join the webinar.”


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