Plastic-free Beauty with KinKind

100% plastic-free beauty brand KinKind announces its launch into mass retail, supported by a £2.3m TV advertising campaign to raise consumer awareness.

The brand’s mission to convert the family bathroom to plastic-free, high performance beauty care alternatives is accelerating following an ‘airtime for equity’ deal agreed with UKTV Ventures over two years, which will see KinKind feature across seven channels reaching 28 million viewers. Following the investment, KinKind has upscaled and launched a retail-ready range, new for 2023. KinKind is now seeking partnerships with like-minded retailers who support the brand’s plastic-free mission.

The brand’s range of award winning innovative, high-performance hair and body care bars, includes everyday products such as shampoo and conditioner, 2 in 1 shampoo and body wash, and body moisturiser: as well as more targeted products including body scrub, after sun and even a dog shampoo bar. KinKind offers consumers an easy-to-switch alternative to traditional premium bottled bathroom products that contain approx. 80% water and are packaged in plastic.

Founder Victoria Coe, an experienced FMCG marketer said “I believe it is up to us as business leaders to make it easy for consumers to reduce plastic in their homes. It’s not just the eco warriors who want to change, there is desire on a mass scale. It is our responsibility as brands and retailers to make easy switches available, affordable, and visible.”

KinKind sees the need for plastic free products as a necessity with 8 to 10 million tons of plastic ending up in the oceans each year, by 2050 plastic could outweigh all the fish in the sea. Despite pledges by large consumer goods companies that 100% of plastic packaging would be reusable, recyclable, or compostable by 2025, targets are expected to be missed. KinKind’s mission is to help solve the plastic pollution crisis by creating plastic free products without comprising performance or quality.

Whilst 62% of shoppers try to buy environmentally friendly packaging only 24% people regularly avoid plastic (source Kantar Worldpanel Nov 2022). KinKind believes the plastic free segment can grow its share of the haircare market from £30m to £300m by 2027 through actions by three key stakeholders:

Brands – mass investment behind the plastic free performance message to drive mass awareness
Retailers – on shelf visibility and range for plastic free brands investing to build awareness, and
Government – Implement plastic regulations through UK Plastic Tax/UN Plastic Treaty/COP 27

KinKind conducted consumer research showed that almost 90% of customers are switching permanently to KinKind plastic free shampoo bars, switching from mass produced, well-known plastic bottled brands due to KinKind’s no compromise performance products. Customers also said they want to purchase in supermarkets, health stores and chemists in addition to branded online shops.

Launching in retail January 2023, led by experienced FMCG Sales Director, Paul Brown, KinKind offers the only plastic free haircare and body care brand that can drive awareness through long term TV and digital support combined with a product experience on a par with premium branded bottles.

For more information about stocking KinKind please contact Paul at


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