English Tourism Week is underway

English Tourism Week, which is organised by Visit Britain and Visit England and runs this year from 14-23 March 2025, is well underway. This wonderful event celebrates the diverse beauty of our amazing country and the countless places that are worthy of a visit this spring, summer, autumn and winter.

England benefits from so many fabulous destinations that there are far too many to mention. Whether it’s woodland walks amongst the bluebells or hikes up magnificent mountains, a stroll around the beach or ramble around the lakes, high tea in the cafe/restaurant of a cultivated historic garden or visit to one of our many incredible museumes or galleries, there are so many great activities that can be done on our home shores.

Tourism is one of England’s largest and most valuable industries and this annual campaign raises awareness of our industry among key stakeholders, including Government, Minsters. MPs and the media, of the huge contribution the English tourism sector makes to the UK economy.

English tourism supports 200,000 SME businesses, employs 2.6 million people and generates about £71.6 billion annually for the economy in domestic visitor spending.

English Tourism Week forms part of Visit England’s mission to champion the sector through political engagement nationally, regionally and locally – demonstrating to political decision-makers the importance of tourism in England and their local area. The campaign also helps to kickstart the tourist season to encourage bookings at tourist destinations and get Brits thinking about their next day trip when the weather hots up.

Says Tourism Minister, Sir Chris Bryant, “England’s first-class tourism offering is a source of national pride, bringing billions for the economy, supporting millions of jobs and driving growth into local communities.”

Cut out paper puppets of William Shakespeare and Jane Austen by Rosa Brown of Flontiere, which trade buyers can view on the British Craft Directory.

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