Mother Goose Concert Posters will be debuting at the National Stationery Show, due to take place from May 19 – 22 at the Jacob K Javits Center in New York.
The company is owned by Suzanne Cabrera and her husband Edgar, who run a small design studio focusing on hand-drawn illustrations that take inspiration from ordinary family life and nostalgia for childhood, such as nursery rhymes, of which Suzanne says:
“Not only did they help expand my vocabulary, but more importantly, they sparked my imagination. I always knew I wanted to share these same rhymes with my children, and a little over a year and a half ago, as Edgar and I were preparing for the arrival of our boys, we dreamed up an idea to create nursery posters that would help us do just that. By drawing inspiration from our love of gig posters, we’ve created the first three in a series of screen-prints that we hope will appeal both to children and the child in everyone—making something worth keeping long after the diaper years are over”.