We fell in love with this delightful image of a white tailed bumble bee created by freelance natural history illustrator Lizzie Harper, which speaks to one of the most important environmental concerns we face right now, which is bee conservation.
Lizzie, who is constantly amazed and inspired by the natural world around her, works for a number of publishers, ad. agencies, environmental organisations, and undertakes commissions for private individuals. Along with this beautiful bee she is currently engaged with portraying British grasses, dragonflies and beetles with the same extraordinary attention to detail that we see in the image here.
Her illustrations appear in publications such as Collins’ Flower Guide to Britain & Northern Europe by David Streeter; The Bumper Book of Nature by Stephen Moss, and the “How to Garden” series by Alan Titchmarsh; and on interpretation boards across the UK.
Recent jobs include two series of postage stamps for Jersey Post, and a series of landscapes depicting correct land management techniques for Natural England. She is currently working on a series of sketchbook illustrations for the follow-up to the best-selling The Hedgerow Handbook by Adele Nozedar, which’ll be called The Cultivated Forager and is sue to be published next year.
Publishers and manufacturers wishing to use Lizzie’s work on their products are asked to pay a one-time usage fee of £50 for cards, books, magazines, or £100 for packaging, gift wrap and decoration on homeware.
Visit her website for more information: www.lizzieharper.co.uk