17 May 2021

Mental Health Awareness Flourishes on Garden Card Designs

Pictured top: Paloma’s Garden by Una Joy of Paper Bird Publishing. With ‘Nature’ being the focus for this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week (10 -16 May 2021), gardens can be perfectly planted within that theme, having been, and remaining, instrumental ‘essential carers’ of our mental health in the past year. And with this increased awareness

Mental Health Awareness Flourishes on Garden Card Designs Read More »

Businesses can benefit from government Kickstart scheme

Companies benefitting from the additional support of young individuals through the government’s Kickstart scheme have expressed their thanks to the organising team at BATF. The Kickstart Scheme is a fully funded government initiative which creates high quality 6-month work placements for 16 to 24 year-olds on Universal Credit who are at risk of long-term unemployment.

Businesses can benefit from government Kickstart scheme Read More »

Street Decorations transform Nottinghamshire High Streets

High Streets across North Nottinghamshire are being transformed by eye-catching street decorations to encourage people to eat and shop locally as restrictions begin to ease. The initiative, which is being delivered by North Notts BID in partnership with leading supplier of placemaking decorations, City Dressing, includes the rollout of artistic pop-up installations and vibrant seating

Street Decorations transform Nottinghamshire High Streets Read More »

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